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genre=Action Directors=Bong Joon Ho Ed Harris Runtime=126 minute Release year=2013

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First, the good. The plot is fantastic and unique, though it reminds one of other dystopian films - the world of the future is frozen due to chemicals released to stop global warming, and all of humanity lives on a train that continually circles the globe. Everyone, the poor "tail-end" prisoners to the privileged upper class, is trapped, fated to live their entire lives on this vehicle. I loved the design of the train and the world, and how each train car reveals another aspect of the twisted world in which the characters live. It was a fantastic feat of world-building, and the scenes where we see the sleek train traveling through the frozen world are quite chilling yet beautiful. Finally, the acting was great, and made me fully believe the the stakes that the characters had. I didn't even recognize Chris Evans (from Captain America) nor Ed Harris. However, yet again, a movie with no strong female characters. Come on Hollywood!
The movie had so much possibility! Ultimately though, despite me really wanting to buy into the movie and let myself drift into its world, there were so many ridiculous story lines and plot holes that I ended up both annoyed and amused. There were many unnecessary dramatic twists, a lot of gratuitous violence and gore (made me feel nauseous) and the ending was also quite unbelievable. Several times during the movie I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and yell, really? really? at the dumb-ass things some of the characters were doing. Also, there was this psycho murderous villain and we have no idea who he is or why he seems to not be able to die. Seriously, he should have died at least five times in the movie.
The cinematography demands that you see Snowpiercer on the big screen. I recommend it if you are interested in the plot summary, don't mind intense violence, and are willing to suspend belief to see some great acting, and ponder on some of the disturbing ideas that the film brings to mind.

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